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Mark Your Calendars

Band Camp is usually conducted the last week of July, Monday through Saturday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. The staff and students work VERY hard during this week. Here the students learn the music and the marching routine for their fall show. Attendance is absolutely required. Your child will not be able to stay in the band if he or she misses band camp.


The boosters provide the students with a lunch each day. This ensures that all students stay on campus and are well nourished. Sharing these meals is also a good bonding experience for the kids, especially for the freshmen. We ask parents to help in the cafeteria preparing, serving, and cleaning up.

The booster organization provides each band member with a band t-shirt. The t-shirt is their informal uniform for early performances. The directors will announce when to wear it.

Get Ready to Sweat

The kids get quite a workout. Be prepared for tired bodies and plenty of sweating. It’s an experience most of the kids “love to hate.” Make sure your child dresses appropriately: a light colored t-shirt, shorts, comfortable, closed-toe shoes (no flip-flops or sandals!), hat, and sunscreen. Tell them to bring a large water container/thermos - water is your best friend. The students will be out in the sun, on the pavement for the majority of the day. It will be HOT! Make sure your child eats breakfast and does not skip meals. Should there be some sort of emergency, the boosters will be there to help take care of your child. There is a first aid tent to assist sick students.

Come prepared! 

comfortable clothes | close-toed shoes | hat | sunscreen | WATER WATER WATER

Join Us

The camp begins with a pre-camp ice cream social on the Sunday evening prior to band camp. The week culminates with a “show-n-tell” for the band families. It’s great fun to come out and see how far the kids have come in just one week. We usually have a water carnival for the students following the performance.

Another major benefit of band camp: when your freshman marching band student arrives for the first day of high school, he or she will already be a part of a well-respected group and will have a whole new group of friends (across all grades) to help with the transition into high school.

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